Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Of signs, icy roads and 600 cups o' beer!

On Saturday, Feb 18, a group of us met over at HEAVIN' SEMEN'S house to make signs for our buddies running in the Freescale Marathon the next morning. I missed the dinner they prepared because I was at a family dinner at Z-Tejas. Wow...tried something new this time. The stuffed pork tenderloin was absolutely amazing! I hung out at my mom's place for a bit and then headed over to the sign-making party. Had to scrape off a bunch of ice from my windshield before I could even drive off. The roads eventually iced up while at HEAVIN' SEMEN'S, so many of us just crashed at her place. Besides, they were shutting down Anderson Mill Road at 6:30am...who would really be able to get back to her place that early after a long night of drinking? I barely made it off the futon at 7:15am!

We piled on our warm clothes and headed over to mile 1 of the race. I must say that CORNHOLIO'S sign was a hit, as well as PADRE'S dog. [I have no idea how to spell her name...Kachina?] She was "singing" for the runners, which put a smile on everyone's face. It was fun being on the cheering end of a race. And everyone was very thankful that we had come out so early.


Next it was time to head down to the beer check at mile 25. I had to make a pit stop at my place to charge my camera batteries and pack my hash bag. Once I arrived at the beer check, I didn't care that it was cold. I had a blast giving out beer to all the runners. Some had to be talked into it, some were excited and thanked us for being there and some people looked at us like we were crazy. All I know is that we passed out 600 cups of beer which drained 2 kegs. Way to go team! Oh yeah, and a big shout out to BUBBLES THE SAD BEER CLOWN for waking up at 4:30am in order to get the beer down to mile 25 before all the streets were blocked off. You rock!

BUBBLES the Beer Meister

After the last beer was handed out, FISH, STRAP-ON and I went to Cabana for a quick bite to eat before the hash. We arrived to the parking lot of BROWNIE'S favorite business...Wal-Mart! WHOREO and BUBBLES had some delicious hot rum cider to warm us up. Damn that stuff was good. The day was pretty crappy though. Maybe it was the fact that we had been up all freakin day, standing out in the cold. I guess I'd just had enough and wanted a hot shower and a nap. So yes, I auto-wanked. Just didn't feel like doing anything. Circle finally ended and I bolted for home sweet home. Screw the On-On-On.

Pics from sign-making party & beer check

Pics from Feb 19 Hash


Blogger dayoldfish said...

that day was such a blast

February 28, 2006 3:11 PM  
Blogger Denial Queen said...

Cool pics! hoe do you get the photo link onto your blog??? I haven't figured that out......

February 28, 2006 3:40 PM  
Blogger babyG said...

good times !

February 28, 2006 7:30 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

I was nice and warm, snuggled in my blankie:)

February 28, 2006 9:44 PM  

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