Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lordy Lordy, Jay is 40!

Went to my friend's birthday party this past Saturday. Jay likes to drink, but I wasn't quite sure what to expect since his party started at 3pm. I should've known better! We partied until after 4am in the morning. Oh yeah....was a great night. Can you believe those married folks still know how to party?!! Once the kids and older adults left, I broke out the dice and we played 3-Man. Some of them had never played before. Can you believe that? We even found a stupid hat in Jay's closet. :)

Animals That Attack?

Rock On!


Blogger -tunnel said...

Married people party and play 3man?? No! Wait, I thought your liver needed a rest! :)

February 27, 2007 10:08 PM  
Blogger Nick said...

I can't believe you passed up on the Houston 1500th to party with crotchety old married people!

*waves fist in anger*

Did you teach 'em how to play beer-pong?

February 28, 2007 6:02 AM  
Blogger Gagger said...

Well, they still know how to party...but I taught most of them how to play 3-Man!

I had already committed to this party...gotta keep up the communications with my non-hasher friends too! And I actually had a GREAT time. :)

February 28, 2007 1:19 PM  

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