Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Workin' out with Fam

I am skipping Saturday's events for now.....

At breakfast on Sunday morning, my step-mom Carol and I decided to start up our own workout routine. She had come to my boot camp class back on the last day of that session earlier this month, but didn't think she could make it out to Pflugerville 3 nights a week at a certain time. Plus, due to my PV trip, I am broke right now!

SO, we decided to walk from her house to my mom's house (since I'm still dog sitting). Just walk you say? Well, yes. It is 3 miles between the 2 houses and there are LOTS of hills. So after I took care of the pups, I drove to my dad and step-mom's house at 6:30pm. At 6:41pm we were off. It took us 55 minutes to walk over to my mom's. Damn, some of those hills were tough. Went inside for an ice cold water and to say hi to the pups. I was also hungry since I hadn't eaten dinner yet. Pulled out some fruit. Man, that really hit the spot. I asked her a question about some of the plants I was also caring for and next thing I know we're on the back porch checking them all out. (FYI....my mom has a crapload of plants.)

So finally we say we've rested way too long and take off back to Carol's. We jogged here and there, but not a whole lot. She isn't a runner at all and I have no endurance anymore. By the time we got to the low water crossing at Bull Creek, it was totally dark. And we had no flashlight and very little reflective clothing on. Not sure if you guys know Lakewood Drive over by Bull Creek, but it's DARK down there and the road is quite narrow with trees that overhang and touch in the middle. Needless to say, once we crossed the creek, we hauled booty. Kind of felt like we were in a bad slasher flick and someone was gonna jump out of the trees and bushes. Especially since this one truck who passed us right before the creek turned into the park and faced the road...like they were waiting for us to get near them. (Actually, I never saw that truck parked...Carol just told me about it later.)

Once we made it through that narrow area without getting hit by a car, we were home free. The lights on 360 were nice and we only had one hill at the very end to get up. That was my last challenge and I decided to run up it. Ok, I'm more of a jogger, but whatever. I made it!

Damn. Water never tasted to good. My dad got home from work shortly after so I stayed to chat with him too. Finally, I noticed that it was 10:05pm and I still needed dinner. So I drove back to my mom's, walked the dogs and finally ate.

Tonight we are gonna mix it up and do some track work and core exercises. We need a school with a track and bleachers in our part of town. She is gonna check out Anderson High School this afternoon. Otherwise, we'll just hit Murchison and use the hill on the side of the track instead of bleachers.

I love my new workout buddy!

p.s. My Polar watch says I burned 462 calories on the 1st half, 482 calories on the 2nd half...for a grand total of 944. Would've been interesting for Brownie to have worn one on his 100 miler!


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