Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Church

I'm driving home and just heard a flashback from high school. Under the Milky Way by The Church just came on. Loved the song then and still did just now! I still have that cassette in a box in some closet. I need to make some CD purchases, huh?

I also just remembered a new feature on my iPhone. When using my Maps function yesterday I discovered the new GPS feature! That's right, I can click one thing and see where I am ok a Google map. SWEET!!!

Oh yeah. Work is gonna be crazy this next week, just like today. We ordered in lunch so we could keep packing, recycling and throwing stuff away. Have to be totally packed up by next Thursday for our big move. Scarfed it down in 10-15 minutes and then back to work. My point is...Dont expect a return email or comment in response to hashspace or blogs as quickly as usual. I won't be sitting in front of my computer all day.


Blogger Chlamydia said...

I have that CD if you want a copy.

May 08, 2008 2:04 PM  
Blogger Gagger said...

Sweet! That would be awesome. :)

May 09, 2008 11:07 AM  
Blogger mike said...

See the movie "Donnie Darko". You will never think about that song in the same way. Not in a bad way. Just different.

May 09, 2008 10:33 PM  
Blogger Gagger said...

Hmm, I've never seen that movie. Maybe someday I'll add it to my list!

May 12, 2008 12:44 PM  

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