Wednesday, July 05, 2006

CoTex Day 2 - Saturday

I woke up fairly early on Saturday morning to find we had a guest on our couch. I said, “Hi Jennifer’s Dad” as I walked out the front door to see what was being served for breakfast. Ate some breakfast tacos, had my morning diet coke and a mimosa and checked out all the haberdashery items. Bought a couple of shirts and a magnet. Everyone just chilled outside until it was time to get ready for the hash run.

Someone had an On-On stamp and was stamping everyone and anyone in random places. HOG STRADDLER streaked through the cabins, reminding everyone about the upcoming Naked Hash in 12 hours. We had chalk talk, hares away, then the hounds. Due to the extreme fire hazard, all the mountains were closed. So they ran us through neighborhoods and around a lake. The eagle trail went up on part of a mountain side that was closed…some of them were busted by a man on a horse. The turkey trail went past the lake, on the bottom of the closed mountain and then back through neighborhoods. The elevation still got to my out-of-shape arse on some parts of the trail. I need to turn it up a notch if I’m gonna be ready for Colorado Invihash!

Upon returning to the cabins after trail, we found snacks and cold beer waiting for us. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention this part…Jennifer’s Dad (A.K.A. Jonathan) did trail with us….in jeans and boots! He loves everything about hashing and thought our group was super friendly. Chucky Cheeks RA’d the circle and did a great job. There were many down-downs…and even a butt chug. GROSS! See my pics for more on circle. Notice all of the Austin Hash shirts folks were wearing. Yeah to AH3!

It was finally shower time. I even got in a little nap. Then WET SPOT, LOST HER P*SSY and I tried on schwag from HOG STRADDLER. Got 2 super-cute beer shirts. Thanks HOG! The rest of the afternoon included more hanging out, drinking, 3-Man, etc. FLAMIN’ GAMIN played some polka music…we all sang the “Please Pass the Schnapps” song multiple times.

Soon it was time for dinner…another delicious meal prepared by the Albuquerque and Santa Fe folks.
Next thing I knew, it was time for Apple Pie shots! Had these for the first time at Tex-Mex earlier this year. They are wonderful. Not sure how many of these I did, but it was a lot! I also went crazy taking Apple Pie pictures…so beware…there are tons of them. Then next thing I knew it was time for the Full Moon hash. I wasn’t prepared for it and ended up running it in sandals and a sarong…with a full mug of vodka & 7. Somehow made it up the mountain-side with help from Dusty. We had one shot check and a boob check, then back down through the woods we went.

Full Moon check

Jennifer’s Dad did this hash with us, as well as 2 of his friends. Lindsey, whom we met during the pub crawl, and his girlfriend. Circle was held inside the Hashpitality cabin. HOG STRADDLER streaked through the cabin, again reminding everyone about the upcoming Naked Hash.
The passing of the torch was held, showing that Pikes Peak Hash is now in charge of CoTex VIII. I wish those pics would have come out better. Oh well.

Again, I was caught off guard when it was announced that the Naked Hash was starting. Now, I have never ever done one of these before and wasn’t planning on doing this one, but somehow I got talked into running this one by BUBBLE CUMM. Guess the Apple Pie shots and vodka were working! I actually had a fun time and laughed most of the way. Circle was held inside the Hashpitality cabin again. Hmmm, lots of naked and half-dressed folks inside with light? Whose idea was that anyway?? After circle, several folks headed for the hot tub. Had a lot of fun. Now here is where my memory gets foggy. I’m told it took me about 20 minutes to get from the hot tub to my cabin. Guess I wasn’t able to walk a straight line because it should have only taken one minute! We partied some more in my cabin, then we dog piled HOG and PORK ME NOW, and then I partied some more. Good times, good times. :)

Pics from Day 2 are here.


Blogger Spotty said...

Hey, you left a "few" things out...should I? Naaa, I won't. Fun times!! Thanks for traveling with me.

July 05, 2006 3:29 PM  
Blogger Gagger said...

Ummm, yeah....some things are better left to the memory of those involved!

July 05, 2006 4:18 PM  
Blogger The guy you never see said...

let's just say you were directionally challenged.

July 07, 2006 6:05 PM  

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