Monday, July 10, 2006

Baby Showers & Hashwarmings

On Saturday, June 24, I attended a baby shower for a good friend of mine...Ellen. She is not a hasher, but the shower was held at the home of some hashers...the Keever' you know fun was bound to occur. After chatting, eating, guessing who everyone was in their baby photos, opening of presents and many glasses of wine, the shower came to an end. Soon after, the boys arrived back at the house: Darin, Hovis, Little Cooper and Sammy. We hung out on their back patio and I got attacked by mosquitos. Why do they love me so much?! Even with tons of mosquito repellant, they always find me first. Damn you bugs!

Four of us then ended up at my mom's house. She was out of town, so we used her hot tub...can't let it sit there all ignored, can we?!

The next day was STRAP-ON ELVIS & (MASSIVE) SLUT SLINGER'S Housewarming Hash.

Beer Check #2

CORNHOLIO didn't like his award

Circle was held about a block away from their new house, so everyone went over for brisket, snacks, more beer and hot tubbin'. PORK MY P*SSY brought a virgin who spins fire...he performed multiple times, to my delight. I had never seen a fire spinner and it was totally awesome. Now I know what BOULDER HOLDER was talking about!

Several folks beat the record of how many people they could fit into the hot tub at one time...16 to be exact. (I think they are actually at 17 folks now.) I ended up staying way too late and was super-tired at work on Monday, but hey...I had a blast!

Here are the pics.


Blogger Eunuch said...

Those are the kinds of parties you remember the most!

July 10, 2006 6:12 PM  
Blogger Rafael said...

kitten has some skillz with the fire spinning

July 11, 2006 5:52 AM  
Blogger Gagger said...

It was definitely good times! And I was totally enamored with the fire spinning.

July 11, 2006 9:02 AM  
Blogger Pittchick said...

Fire spinning looks cool!

July 11, 2006 12:23 PM  
Blogger dayoldfish said...

it was pretty awesome, but the best was when I finally figured out how to hook up the iPod to Sluts stereo

July 11, 2006 3:32 PM  
Blogger The guy you never see said...

From the pics, i can see that Slut assumed the position again - face first! Looks like y'all had another cool hash.

July 12, 2006 6:14 PM  
Blogger babyG said...

good times

July 12, 2006 11:05 PM  

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