Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Morning After

So, the morning after the party kind of sucked. I don’t do well on 3 ½ hours of sleep. But, I couldn’t go back to sleep after I was woken up by the Killeen folks that Saturday morning. I decided to get dressed and hit Whataburger for breakfast while waiting on Tuck It to get the U-Haul truck. When I returned, I was the only one waiting to help with the move. This didn’t thrill me since I was beat, but I was there to help out as much as I could.

To my surprise [well, not really….everyone loves DBD & Tuck It!] more people started trickling in. Heavin’ Semen, Beaver Cleaver and his daughter, blASSt Zone & Cumonawanalaya, Free Meat and her sister Alisa, I Pee Freely, and…..seems like I’m forgetting some folks. Well, more hashers met us once we loaded up the first truck load and had caravanned over to their new house: (Massive) Slut Slinger, Instant Replay & Ram Rod soon arrived. DBD picked up some fried chicken for us...and of course, there was already cold beer waiting for us.

After a quick rest we headed back to the old house for one more load. This is where I started to drag. It was bloody hot and I was on little sleep. Somehow we managed to get one more truck load ready and got everything unloaded before the light sprinkle of rain...the temperature finally dropped some and it felt awesome outside with the breeze. We were then treated to a smorgasborg of delicious items, hot off the grill. Thanks to Tuck It for buying my one request...Beddar with Cheddar brats! And guess who decided to arrive right when the food was almost ready? Strap-On Elvis and Cornolio. Great timing guys! Ok, so Elvis came straight from work. What was Corn's excuse??

Oh yeah....and it seems that Cumonawanalaya loves the kiwi Mad Dog 20/20!


Blogger babyG said...

I had to miss the fun ... it was a long drive to Omaha I did not get there until 5:30am

August 02, 2006 2:33 PM  
Blogger Chlamydia said...

Mmmmm, mad dog. I'd have to say I'm more of a thunderbird man myself, though. -c

August 02, 2006 6:36 PM  
Blogger Eunuch said...


August 02, 2006 9:09 PM  
Blogger Pittchick said...

Moving sucks! If I ever have to do it again, I'm hiring someone.

August 03, 2006 9:08 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Moving DOES suck BUT food poisoning is worse. I was of rather helped move then be ill for 2 days. In any case...i still felt shity that i didn't make it to help out:(

August 04, 2006 2:10 PM  

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