Check out my lovely work outfit today...didn't have many options to choose from in my car...only campout clothes! Thank goodness I had some shoes from Thursday in my car that weren't all jacked up from the rain. I've been hiding in my office so nobody sees my muddy jeans....
...or my red face and tired ass eyes. This pic makes me look more red than I really am, but it's close! Gagger is ready for a nap.
...or my red face and tired ass eyes. This pic makes me look more red than I really am, but it's close! Gagger is ready for a nap.
I couldn't. I knew Monday would be crazy busy with last minute Congressional appointment requests...and it was. :(
You guys in CC yet?
1. Where is CC?
2. How many congressmen did you appoint to yuor vaginal commitee?
3. Poop.
4. Sorry, I'm the only one awake in my house, and I'm bored.
Net: CC is Corpus Christi
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