Due to my NYC friend being in town, I was hungover most of the day on Friday, October 27...which sucked since that was the BRC. Oh well. I still had fun, just didn't get quite as crazy as last year. I did finally meet Panther from the Austin Duathletes. Too bad I wasn't in a social mood due to my hangover and lack of sleep. I'll have to get to know them better at their November pub run. :)
I'm not gonna bore you with stories from each bar. Maybe it's because of my lack of memory when I drink...doesn't matter how few I have. Or maybe I just don't want to type it up!
Here is the beginning group shot, minus the impatient folks who took off early!

ASSer Lynn passed out whiskey shots at Ginny's

Also, thanks to Traci Gunn for sponsoring the Lone Star at Ginny's. She bought everyone their beer!
Beers for the long stretch between LaLa's and Buddy's

The last bar

Once the Canary Hut closed, sober Bridgett said she'd drive us. As we were driving towards the start to drop off a couple of people, we noticed our beloved Race Director stumbling down Burnet Road. Yep, Grabber was wasted and barely managing to walk all the way back to his truck at Billy's. We picked him up [in the already jam packed car] and he sat on my lap in the front seat. Thank goodness we didn't pass any cops. He promised to sleep in his truck and not drive anywhere. We were told he does that often, so we believed him.
Next stop was Taco Cabana...where we ran into some red BRC shirt folks. Whoo-hoo! Bridgett then took us to the Keever's house. She was sober and wanted to play beer pong, but I had other ideas. I immediately went upstairs and left her and Day Old Fish downstairs to party. Made a beeline for the futon that Janna had already laid out with sheets and a pillow. Thanks "Mom!" Apparently, Fish passed out on the couch, so Bridgett was left alone with no party buds. Sorry B.
On Saturday, a group of us went to grab some breakfast at Kerbey Lane Cafe. Mmmm, gingerbread pancakes. Afterwards, we needed to pick up some cars from the start. Once we arrived, since most of us were still in last night's clothes, we decided to start drinking at the BRC bars again! After a few beers at Billy's, we headed over to the Poodle Dog for some shuffleboard.
Check out the plumber's crack...and he is wearing a Buddy's shirt. Classic.

Lone Star cheers to Todd

We then decided we were hungry for lunch and wanted a burger from LaLa's since the one Janna ordered the previous night smelled so damn good. Turns out they're closed on the weekend. Crikey! [
Guess that's why they weren't open last Christmas, Brownie] Hovis then told us that Todd Gunn used to love to go to Dart Bowl. Since we were still on "Tribute to Todd" time, we decided to go bowling and grab lunch there. What? No frito pie at the bowling alley? What the? Had to get a burger...not nearly as good as LaLa's. Oh well...doesn't matter because I kicked everyone's ass at bowling! Gagger rocks!!!!!!!!
Gagger is the champ!

After bowling it was time to relax on the Keever's couch before the Tech vs. ut game. That game was filled with horrible calls on the field and in the review booth. Hey, at least the pizza and beer was good. And nope, I still hadn't been home yet since I left for work on Friday morning...
Woke up at the Keever's again Sunday morning. Darin went to Rudy's to get us all tacos for breakfast. Dee-lish. I finally went home around lunch time. Man, did
that shower feel good. :)
You can see all the
pics here.