Saturday, December 31, 2005

Tex-Mex Here I Come!!!

Ok, I finally made the plunge and bought my ticket to El Paso. So I finally get to experience "the best hash weekend in Texas." Whoo-hoo!!!

Save me some Jager, I'm bringing the Tito's.....

Friday, December 30, 2005

In the year 2006 I resolve to:

Quit making the same damn mistakes in my life!

Get your resolution here

Monday, December 26, 2005

Monte Montgomery Concert

The Monte concert at Antone's on December 23 was awesome! So glad I was talked into going...if you ever have the chance to see him perform, I highly suggest it. So several of us met up beforehand for some beverages: BROWNIE, DEATH BY DILDO, TUCK IT UP THE BUTT, LEWIS & COCK, GROIN GROPER and Kirk. Then we were off for downtown. Started off at Lucky Lounge. Some folks were hungry, so they went to grab a bite to eat and were gonna meet us at Antone's afterwards. Never saw those folks again the entire night! Saw HERMIE later on at Antone's for about 2 minutes, but then he disappeared as well. Whatever...BROWNIE, LEWIS and I thoroughly enjoyed the show.

I can't remember who joined Monte on stage later in the night...BROWNIE, a little help, please......

Here are the pics.


  • Monte pics
  • Tuesday, December 20, 2005

    Virtual Street Reality

    This was sent to me from a friend and thought I would share. Pretty cool artist....check out the link!

    Monday, December 19, 2005

    Past Weekend: Crappy day, Christmas Party and Austin Hashmas Party

    So Friday the 16th started off totally crappy. Got yelled at by a couple of people and didn't really know why....and I hadn't even made it to work that morning. Unnecessarily over-dramatic people need to chill the fuck out. I have no need for that type of person in my life.

    Luckily, it was our company Christmas luncheon that day, so we got released from work early. The ladies in my department all went out for wine and I hung out for a little bit. Then decided to go home and catch up on sleep and forget the day. Friday night my co-worker had a Holiday Party that really brightened my spirits. It was obviously a great time because I didn't leave until 3am. Here is the drunk host himself in the pic.

    Saturday night was the Austin Hashmas Party. It started off slow, but ended up being fun. When I left at 4am, Day Old Fish was alseep in the front room....without any Sharpie marks. Wonder if anyone ever got him? Thanks to Lewis & Cock for opening up his home for this event! Here are the pictures....">Pics from Austin Hashmas Party

    Sunday my friend Lesley and I decided to skip the hash. We hung out like bums all day long watching movies, chatting and sleeping. Did I tell you how much we both like gravy from Whataburger?! Was nice to just relax and chill at home. So, I have no hash flash to share from Sunday.

    Looking forward to the short work week and the holiday weekend! :)

    Thursday, December 15, 2005

    12 Ounce Christmas Card

    Last night a bunch of hashers and A.S.S. folks gathered together at Ginny's Little Longhorn for the 12 Ounce Christmas Card tribute to Todd Gunn. I'm told Ginny's was his favorite bar...they even have a framed photo of him up on the bar. Unfortunately, I didn't start hashing soon enough and I never had the chance to meet him. I was told that he didn't send out Christmas cards...his version was to buy you a beer. [Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this!] So that is exactly what his friends did last night. A cold Schlitz for everyone. Oh yeah, and whiskey, whiskey, whiskey.

    Took a lot of fun pics, so check them out. Also, thanks to all my dance partners for making me get out on the dance floor. I haven't done that in ages and actually had a lot of fun!

    Live Music Alert

    Just my luck. I found out today that an old band I religiously went to see back in the day, is reuniting for 2 shows at Antone's. I used to go see them all the time at the Black Cat. Good memories. That place rocked...and they always had PBR for $1! Anyway, they are called Soulhat. If any of you listen to KLBJ a little after 5pm, you've probably heard their song called "Bonecrusher." But both nights I have parties to go to. Oh well...maybe I'll skip out a little early?

    The Black Cat is also where I used to go see Joe Rockhead perform. You now know that lead singer as the lead singer for the Scabs...Sexy Bob Schneider. Speaking of Bob, anyone want to catch his Lonelyland show at the Saxon Pub on Monday, December 19?

    Icy Blog Party II?

    Check out the weather! We could be in for another Icy Blog Party next Monday or Tuesday. Whoo-hoo!

    Weather Forecast

    Who is our next host gonna be??

    And holy crap....we might actually see snow on Tuesday? Please Please Please!!!!

    Wednesday, December 14, 2005

    H.A.W.K. Happy Hour

    I attended my very first H.A.W.K. happy hour last night. We all met up at Mickey's Thirsty Lounge about 8pm. This bar is at the center of attention right now because of the smoking ban. They are still allowing customers to light up. Check out my pics....we got a group shot by the cigarette machine! Oh yeah, and Brownie even donated to the cause. Afterwards we were all hungry and went to Plucker's for dinner. I mean, it was 40 cent wing night. We arrived to find they had totally sold out of wings! They told us it would be 45 minutes until they had more wings. About 10 minutes after I order a sandwich, they miraculously have wings again. Damnit. Oh well....the rest of the table got to enjoy cheap wings and I tried out a new sandwich...pretty damn good!


    Drunk Week

    Man, the week is only half over and it's already turning into a full week of drinking. Monday started it all off with my department's Christmas luncheon. We went to Santa Rita's Tex-Mex Cantina at 1pm and the margaritas began to flow...quickly. After that, the drinkers at my work were off to Cedar Door while the lame ones went Christmas shopping. My co-worker Wendy and I then ended up at a friend's house to continue the festivities. Have no idea when the drinking stopped. All I know is I had a headache most of the afternoon on Tuesday.

    Tuesday I was planning on attending my first Walnut Creek trail run. My bed was just to comfy to get out of though. I had to take a nap right after work and running just wasn't going to happen. But who am I to miss out on the H.A.W.K. happy hour?! So I dragged my ass out of bed, put on some clothes and trucked it up to Mickey's to join the rest of the crew. We happened to go there on the night when a TV news crew was there filming and interviewing patrons. Can't wait to watch KXAN tonight to see the friend Lesley was a non-smoker who was interviewed. Not sure if Mickey will let her back in his bar!

    Tonight I'll be hanging out at Ginny's Little Longhorn. Haven't been there since the Burnet Road Challenge. It'll be nice to arrive sober so that I can remember all the people I meet there this time. :)

    Thursday is the Full Moon hash...with more drinking. And Friday I'm going to a co-worker's Christmas party...more drinking. Saturday is the Austin Hashmas party...much more drinking! Of course, I still need a costume. Then that brings us to Sunday and the Austin hash. Monday is a vacation day for me, so watch out...I might get crazy at the On On On. Who wants to be my designated driver??

    Tuesday, December 13, 2005

    Trip to Dallas

    Ramblings from my weekend trip to Big D.....

    The weekend was great, but it didn't start off too well. I left work early on Friday to miss rush hour traffic. Forgot about all the darn Christmas shoppers though. I wasted 45 trying to drop off my HOA dues check because of crazy shoppers since the office is pretty close to Lakeline Mall. Anyway, I finally made it back to IH-35 and I was on my way. Didn't think I was ever going to get there...seemed to take forever! Luckily, I found a friend to chat with along the way to pass the time. Probably not a good idea to text message folks while driving, but hey, I was bored. IH-35 isn't the prettiest drive. I mean, no yard art anywhere. And hey, I only swerved onto the shoulder once!

    Finally, I saw the downtown Dallas skyline and was jazzed again. Met up with my friends for dinner [Emily, Royce, Erin] and chatted the night away. I also got to finally meet Emily and Royce's 4 month old baby boy Bode. What a cutie!

    Saturday was a funny adventure. My friends needed an inexpensive futon that would be used over the holidays. So we decided to see what IKEA had. Pretty much just ate our way through that store...Sweedish meatballs, french fries, cinnamon rolls, milk futon. But on the way out, came across a huge, badass mirror that Royce just couldn't pass up. So how do you get something so large home when you have 2 little Hondas? Tie it to the ski rack...but make sure you use enough twine! Apparently, geophysicists from the Colorado School of Mines aren't too skilled at tying down items to their cars. After about 2 turns out of the parking lot, the mirror started to slide backwards off the roof. You'd think Royce would have turned back into the IKEA parking lot to grab more twine. NO! He caught the boxed mirror with his hand and thought everything was cool. We told him to pull over so I could go ride in his car...held onto the box the entire ride home through the sun roof...20 minutes! Damn my fingers were numb. But hey, we got it home in one piece and it's beautiful. One would look great in my bedroom too. :)

    Saturday night Teresa and her family got into town. We had our pre-race dinner of homemade spaghetti and meatballs...and of course several beers and queso with breakfast sausage. Dee-lish! Then Emily's friend Ayeh stopped by so that we knew who to look for at the relay exchange.

    Sunday morning came around much too early. I didn't want to get up because I was all warm and cozy under the blankets. I was riding down early with the 2nd relay person, Ayeh, so I had to get crackin'. Got dressed and downed half an IKEA cinnamon roll [those things rock, BTW] and a diet coke and we were off to the 1st relay exchange. [I ran in the Dallas White Rock Marathon Relay, in case you didn't know. Someday I'll be able to run the whole thing!] First of all, none of us trained for this at all. Well, I hash on Sundays, if you count that.... We wanted to change our team name to NO FAST CHICKS. But it was too late. There's always next year!

    Teresa ran the 1st leg because she needed to get back to Houston for her daughter's Christmas show that afternoon. She had to deal with the mobs of people at the beginning of the race. Glad it wasn't me. She came in to the 1st relay exchange with a time of 1 hour and 20 minutes for 6 miles. Ayeh was up next. She had the 4 miles downhill portion and came in with a time of 50 minutes. I was up next with the nice 5 miles around White Rock Lake. Took me 1 hour and 1 minute. I know it's slow, but at least I beat my Turkey Trot time of 1 hour and 15 minutes for the same distance! During my run I ended up sticking with a nice guy most of the way. He was doing the entire marathon and was running at my pace. I never got his name, but we chatted along the way. Really helped me...until he started falling back. The last mile and a half I was on my own. Oh yeah, on my portion of the race they had set out some funny signs on mile 13. Wish I had my camera so I'd remember them all. I only recall these:
    1. "Running won't kill you. You'll pass out first."
    2. "A marathon sounded like a good idea.....6 months ago!"

    Crap....I know I'll remember more of them later.

    Sooooo, next up was Emily's sister Erin. She had 5 miles to run as well and came in with a time of 50 minutes, I believe. She got the shaft because her last mile had crazy hills that we didn't remember seeing on the elevation map. Our last leg was run by my buddy Emily. She had the remaining 6 miles to run and her time was 1 hour 10 minutes. We missed the 5 hour mark, but who cares? We all enjoyed the day and even got pumped to do the Austin Freescale Half Marathon in February.

    We were all now quite hungry and headed over to Snuffer's. We chowed on chips & salsa & queso, bacon cheese fries [they rock, BTW] and burgers. I was also in dire need of some beer. Erin and Royce saw the only beer stop during their leg and they didn't even stop to drink any. Wussies! I was hoping to meet some of the Dallas hashers, but no such luck.

    It was now time to head back to Emily & Royce's house to shower, pack and hit the road. I stopped by the Austin H3 On On On once I got back into town. Had some tasty adult beverages and then wanted to get home. Wasn't hungry until 9:45pm due to all I ate at Snuffer's! Good thing one of my friends forgot we were gonna grab a bite to eat once I returned.

    Good times. Good times.

    Friday, December 09, 2005

    Icy Blog Party

    The Icy Blog Party was a blast! No time to do a write up just yet, but here are the pics. I'm off to Dallas for the weekend.

    Icy Blog Party Pics


    Ok, here goes....

    Wednesday at work there was a rumor going around that we were going to be released early due to the weather conditions. Sure enough, I was out the door at 2:30pm! We gathered some folks at Padre and Brownie's house for a little slumber party. The plan was for everyone to bring some beverages, get crazy, all crash out at the same place so nobody had to drive, and then wake up to work being cancelled. Well, most everyone drove home in the icy conditions....dumbasses! Padre cooked dinner and breakfast for those that were around. It was delicious! We downed another fresh bottle of Jager, vodka and many beers. As you can see by the pictures, we all had a great time.

    Thanks guys for opening up your house!

    P.S. Don't ever forget to log out of your blog page or others will discover it and create ridiculous posts.

    Thursday, December 08, 2005

    Founder's Hash

    This past Sunday was the Founder's Hash. Eight co-hares made us run up and down and up and down and up and down the Greenbelt. At one point when the elevation was killing me I yelled out, "Brownie, you suck!" Hopefully he was close enough to hear me. We hit 2 shot checks and then the beer check. I thought this was the end until I noticed there were no shag bags anywhere in sight. It was here that I finally got to meet Davey Crotchett though. He is quite hilarious. Then the pack was off again. By the time I got to the final shot check, Smegma was out of his buttery nipples. Guess I need to be faster next time. I then followed JUST STEF into the cool cave. SFWW had also gone into it. Was pretty damn cool, except that I couldn't see crap unless STAYFREE shined his headlamp in my direction. We finally decided we should head out. On the last stretch of rocky terrain, I almost twisted my ankle, so I walked the final part in with Great Dane Pain and Sammy.

    Circle was quite entertaining with Cherry Popper and Davey Crotchett singing tons of songs I've never heard before. Then it was off to the On On On, via JUST STEF's apartment. A good, large group of us showed up at Lovejoy's. Had some good conversation and several beers. Then it was time for Plucker's...once again, it was $2 shot night! I was hoping to go home after this, especially since I carpooled and we all agreed that it wouldn't be a late night. But no....the group wanted to continue on at the Canary Hut Pub. I was forced to go since I didn't have a car. SQUEEZIN did an awesome job at a Weezer song called Hash Pipe. Then STRAP-ON ELVIS sang Madonna's song Like a Virgin. [This was submitted by DAY OLD FISH, of course.] He even tried to sing in a high-pitched voice! After this I was tired and in no mood to drink anymore. I decided to go try to sleep in my friend's car while I waited. Did I mention that it was freezing cold by now? Anyway, the bar finally closed and I finally made it home. I wasn't even tired or hungover for my mom's b-day dinner on Monday night either. Thank goodness!


    Wednesday, December 07, 2005

    I love brownie

    I would just like to tell the world that brownie is the coolest hasher of all time! Gawd, I can't believe I'm actually in his room! I hope he lets me do his laundry later on!

    Icy Blog Party Day

    Fellow Bloggers!!!

    Come celebrate the wonderful weather and early release from work at Casa de Padre Y Brownie...tonight.

    Hopefully, tomorrow will be a work-free day so we can play in the snow. Well, knowing Texas...the slick, icy sidewalks.

    Call me or Brownie for details.


    Call me Auntie Jen!

    Whoo-hoo! Just got a call from my little brother. He and his wife Monique found out the sex of their baby today. It's finally sinking in now...I'm going to have a little niece! Hopefully, my mom will stop hounding me to have a baby. I even asked her if she would prefer that I get knocked up by some random person, have to move in with her b/c I can't afford day care and have her take care of the baby all day while I'm at work. She said she wouldn't mind! Crazy lady. Guess she REALLY wants a grandkid.

    Here is the happy couple.

    And for those that don't know...we weren't sure if they were going to be able to get pregnant. So this is a little miracle!

    The New Rules

    I received this email last night and thought it was pretty damn funny. New rules from a guy's perspective.... I love the last one.


    New Rule: Stop giving me that pop-up ad for! There's a reason you don't talk to people for 25 years. Because you don't particularly like them! Besides, I already know what the captain of the football team is doing these days: mowing my lawn.

    New Rule: Stop saying that teenage boys who have sex with their hot, blonde teachers are permanently damaged. I have a better description for these kids: lucky bastards.

    New Rule: Ladies, leave your eyebrows alone. Here's how much men care about your eyebrows: do you have two of them? Okay, we're done.

    New Rule: There's no such thing as flavored water. There's a whole aisle of this crap at the supermarket, water, but without that watery taste.
    Sorry, but flavored water is called a soft drink. You want flavored water?
    Pour some scotch over ice and let it melt. That's your flavored water.

    New Rule: The more complicated the Starbucks order, the bigger the asshole. If you walk into a Starbucks and order a "decaf grande half-soy, half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread cappuccino, extra dry, light ice, with one Sweet-n'-Low and one NutraSweet," ooh, you're a huge asshole.

    New Rule: Just because your tattoo has Chinese characters in it doesn't make you spiritual. It's right above the crack of your ass. And it translates to "beef with broccoli." The last time you did anything spiritual, you were praying to God you weren't pregnant. You're not spiritual. You're just high.

    New Rule: Competitive eating isn't a sport. It's one of the seven deadly sins. ESPN recently televised the US Open of Competitive Eating, because watching those athletes at the porker table was just too damned exciting.
    What's next, competitive farting? Oh wait. They're already doing that.
    It's called "The Howard Stern Show."

    New Rule: I don't need a bigger mega M&M. If I'm extra hungry for M&Ms,
    I'll go nuts and eat two. [Actually, I love the mega M&M's!]

    New Rule: No more gift registries. You know, it used to be just for weddings. Now it's for babies and new homes and graduations from rehab.
    Picking up the stuff you want and having other people buy it for you isn't gift giving, it's the white people version of looting.

    New Rule, and this one is long overdue: No more bathroom attendants. After
    I zip up, some guy is offering me a towel and a mint like I just had sex
    with George Michael. I can't even tell if he's supposed to be there, or just some freak with a fetish. I don't want to be on your web cam, dude. I just want to wash my hands.

    New Rule: When I ask how old your toddler is, I don't need to know in months. "27 Months." "He's two," will do just fine. He's not a cheese. And I didn't care in the first place.

    Tuesday, December 06, 2005


    I'm about to be trapped in a board meeting most of the day. Well, from 10am - 2pm. So no online fun for me today until the afternoon. :(

    At least we are interviewing candidates for possible endorsement, so maybe it will be somewhat interesting.


    Monday, December 05, 2005

    Gavin is hot!

    Ok, so my brother Michael works at a very nice hotel in Miami. U2 was in town the other day for a concert and stayed at his hotel. The band's manager gave some VIP tickets to Michael's manager and my bro got to go. While he was back in the VIP area, he noticed Gavin Rossdale standing a few feet away. My brother's wife loves Gavin, so of course he immediately went up to him to say hello. Told Gavin that he doesn't get star struck since he sees them all the time at his hotel, but if his wife found out he didn't go say hello she would have killed him. The "handler" even tried to run my brother off, but Gavin told him it was ok. Michael said Gavin was super-nice and they had a great little conversation. Then he got this pic taken. I'm so jealous! Turns out that Gavin's new band, The Institute, was the opener for U2.


    Blog Party

    So the night started off innocently enough....Trojan Whore came over to my place so we could have a chill night just hanging out and getting to know each other better. She walked in the door with a bottle of Tito's, some tequila and a bottle of wine. Should have known it would all go downhill from there....

    Later on, we talked to some other blogger friends and they decided to come over. Squeezin' Semen, Day Old Fish & Ring Around the Panty stopped by, followed soon after by Padre and Brownie. Then Strap-on Elvis got off work and gave us a call and decided to hang out with us. We decided to play know how that goes. My buddy Duanette and C'em Cummin were next to stop by. Don't remember them being there that long, but I do know I got in some good bites before they left. Just Stef was called by Strap-on and she arrived around midnight to find us already in great spirits. :) She joined the 3-Man game and decided to play catch-up by drinking straight from the Tito's bottle. That girl is crazy fun!

    I remember several people being locked out on the balcony at different times...not sure why. Then some wrestling occurred as well as a biting frenzy. If you didn't wake up with a bruise on Sunday, then you weren't at my place Sat night. Oh yeah, and how do you bruise a finger from giving too many spankings? Not sure, but my ring finger is purple. Sorry if anyone has a handprint on their ass. ; )

    Sunday morning we woke up to a messy house. How did the entire contents of the Jager bottle disappear? I only recall doing one shot of that. I made some breakfast for those that crashed over and started to clean up a little. It was then that we discovered some wet jeans and underwear on the floor...right next to where Just Stef was sleeping. She woke up and we asked her what she did last night...why were her clothes wet? She had no idea. Her shirt was soaking wet as it's not what you might be thinking. When we asked if it was her thong on the floor, she had to look underneath the blanket to check. Sure enough, she was almost butt naked on my chair! We think we figured out what happened.

    This is our story... Stef wanted to go hot tubbing, but nobody else did? So she decided to run around in the sprinklers outside. Got soaking wet, which explains the mysterious water in the entry way to my condo. She came upstairs to find a towel and stumbled in the bathroom, pulling down my shower curtain and rod. Decided she was still too wet and just stripped down to her bra and went to sleep. Sound good?

    Blog Party Pics

    The rest of Sunday morning was spent just lounging around and recounting the night . Pictures sure help out with that! It was soon time to get dressed for the hash and off we went.

    A good time was had by all!

    Friday, December 02, 2005

    Grupo Fantasma

    Ok, so I sit here typing this post feeling extremely tired and w/o all of my brain cells functioning properly. Luckily, there are no cute single boys at my work because I look like death...greasy hair, no make-up, blood shot eyes. You get the picture. So it must have been a good night! One of those where you look at your phone call logs and text messages to figure out what time you went to sleep. Thank goodness I didn't hear the phone ring at 2:24am or I would have been pissed. Wait a minute, or would I have? It was one of my fun softball buddies that I ditched in order to go to the concert....

    Anyway, so where did it all begin.....
    Trojan Whore and I headed over to Brownie's house since he offered to be the DD. The girls did a Jager shot, listened to some Grupo to get us prepped and we were off for Ruta Maya. Once Brownie finally found the place we grabbed a good table and continued the festitivites. For a while it was Brownie and his harem [Trojan, Just Nicolle, Squeeky Cheeks and myself]. Finally, Lewis & Cock showed up.

    The opening band was called something like the Flying Saucers. [Ok, so they're called the Flying Club] Pretty damn good. The lead singer has a voice that sounds like a mixture between Sade and Natalie Merchant. [Good call on that one Trojan.] Here we are acting like groupies with her. We even signed up on their mailing list so we can go to their next show.

    The headliner was a band I've been wanting to see for some time now. They were at the ACL Festival this summer but played against Thievery Corporation, who is from out of state. I opted to see them perform rather than Grupo. Anyway, Grupo Fantasma rocked last night!
    Once they hit the stage, Ruta Maya came alive. Many fun songs, dancing, many, many beers later, and it was time to go home. Hope Brownie was able to fall asleep after all the coffee he drank!

    Click the link to see the rest of the pictures because I got a pop-up message from the IT department saying I was uploading items against my work's policy!

    On On to my bed in T minus 3 1/2 hours!

    Thursday, December 01, 2005

    More OTR pics

    So here are some more pictures from the OTR Hash on Tuesday....

    Bleeders Unite!

    Ok, so on Tuesday, Nov. 29, I attended my very first OTR Hash. Cherry Popper was the hare and I've heard she is known for short trails. I drove up to the Double Dave's on Duval at the same time as Social Retard and Brrrr. Shortly thereafter, Heavin' Semen and Squeeze Box arrived, followed by our hare. We had some cold beer to wet our whistle and then it was time for chalk talk.

    But our group had diminished in size...only 3 hashers remained to do trail. We were told this was our only check, and we immediately began looking for marks. Social Retard guessed where we were going, so we headed in the direction of the Crown & Anchor. Sure enough, 2 flour blobs later and we were at our first beer check! After exerting that much energy, we were in need of another pitcher. Some nice boys at the next table were kind enough to snap this photo for us. After some good conversation, it was time to hit the road to find trail again.

    Once again, Social Retard guessed our destination, so we set off in the direction of Trudy's Texas Star. Sure enough, we found trail and followed it to Trudy's for our next beer check. Once we arrived, Cherry Popper decided this was now the On In. She had more trail laid, but changed her mind on where she wanted to end. Trudy's had recently put up their Christmas lights, so she wanted to stay and enjoy the nice atmosphere. Speaking of Christmas lights, one of my favorite places during the holidays is Hyde Park Grill. I LOVE what they do with their lights. If you've never seen it, drive by sometime this month. Or just click here:

    Staying at Trudy's didn't bother me at all since I love this place...especially their Mexi-marts. Damn, they are tasty. But since it was a school night, we all opted for beer. No need to get trashed on a Tuesday. [I reserve that for Sundays at the On On On!]

    After some cold adult bevvies and queso especial, we began circle. Cherry Popper drank for being the hare. I drank for being an OTR virgin. Nobody drank for being appropriate. The slut and the dust bunny drank. Who were they? That's a secret. Also, we had two namings. Squeeze Box and myself were given OTR names, but those are hush-hush as well. Sorry boys! After another round of drinks, we finished circle and went our separate ways. A good time was had by all. How could we not? Cherry Popper is absolutely hilarious!!!

    I have more pics, but for some reason only 3 will come up. Another post to follow later with the remaining pictures.

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